Can You Be Forced To Pay Support For A Child That's In College Or Vocational School?
Child support is both a legal and moral obligation—but many people feel that the obligation should stop once the child turns 18, or at least when the child graduates high school, if that's a little later. However, not all courts agree on this issue—some will order parents to contribute to a child's college expenses as well. Learn more about when college support is ordered and what that might mean. Your state's laws may determine whether or not college support is an issue.
Three Types Of Property You Cannot Distribute In Your Will
If you're beginning of the process of estate planning, you may be surprised that there are a number of things that your will cannot dictate. Below are three types of property that, for the majority of cases, cannot be distributed in your will. Of course, each type of property has its exceptions, so it's important to speak with your estate planning attorney, someone like Seiler & Parker PC, for a more accurate overview of your situation.
Three First Steps to Take If You're Considering a Mediated Divorce
Although a divorce always has the potential to involve some uncomfortable discussions, choosing mediation can help reduce any unpleasantness and ensure the most beneficial outcome for everyone. Here are three steps to take in order to get the process started on the right foot. 1. Decide if this is truly the best choice for your situation (and get your spouse on board) In order for a mediated divorce to work, you have to not only have a relatively amicable relationship with your spouse still, but you also need to be in a place emotionally where you don't automatically disagree with everything they say.
FAQs About Divorcing A Mentally Ill Spouse
Mental illness can have a profound impact on every aspect of a person's life, including his or her marriage. When your spouse suffers from a mental illness, sometimes, it can be challenging to remain in the relationship. If you are considering divorce from a mentally ill spouse, here is what you need to know. Can You Divorce Someone for Mental Illness? In some states, citing mental illness as a reason for divorce means taking extra steps to get through the court system.
What Rights Does A Teacher Falsely Accused Of Child Molestation Have?
Chances are pretty good you've seen it on television or read about it in the newspaper – a teacher has been convicted of sexual misconduct with a student. In 2005, Debra Lafave, an English teacher at Greco Middle School in Temple Terrace, Florida was convicted of having a sexual relationship with a 14-year old student. She plead guilty and was sentenced to three years of house arrest and seven years of probation, and she must register as a sex offender.